Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I Dub Thee…

How did you pick your name?
One way that we are unique is that we pick our own names, most people are given their names by their parents but we get to pick our own name.
9 Transgender People Share How They Chose Their Names
By Kasandra Brabaw
September 18, 2017

Choosing a new name can be a big part of transitioning for transgender and gender non-conforming people, who often aren't comfortable still being called by their birth name (also sometimes called a "dead-name"). But just like parents choosing a name for their newborn, the decision isn't always easy.

As we can see from the answers on an AskReddit thread, where someone asked transgender people on Reddit to explain the inspiration behind their chosen names, names can come from pretty much anywhere — including the Disney movies we loved so much as kids.
"That dude from the Atlantis Disney film."
"Milo. That dude from the Atlantis Disney film, man I wanted to be him when I was a kid. Also it sounds like a dog name and I like that."
"It literally means victory."
"I picked Victoria.

For one, it literally means victory. Finally getting to be yourself and becoming comfortable in your body is a huge victory, hence the name.
"My mama chose my birth name, and she chose my new name too!"
"Just legally changed my name to Finn (I'm FTM). My mama chose my birth name, and she chose my new name too! My middle name is Alistair, a carry over from Alice, which was a family middle name."
For me it was from doing a high school term paper on Roman mythology; I came across a god who made the other gods mad at him and they changed him into a goddess (I have never been able to find the reference that I used back in the mid-60s) and when I went to my first support group meeting someone asked my fem name and I thought back to that paper and said “Diana.” My middle name was by family consensus, I wanted to keep my middle initial.

So how did you get your name?

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