Sunday, March 01, 2015

Another Right Wing Talk Show Host Speaks,

Yet another right wing speaks on a topic that he knows nothing about…
Michael Savage: Transgender Rights Will Destroy Society, Outlaw Reassignment Surgery
Right Wing Watch
By Brian Tashman

On Friday, Michael Savage was infuriated by a Hollywood Reporter interview in which director Michael Cimino denied rumors that he is transgender, which led Savage on a rant about “tranny grannies” and why sex reassignment surgery should be outlawed.

“What is this, upstaging the other guy who is simply gay?” Savaged wondered. “This is how crazy this is becoming. It’s not cool enough now just to be gay and have a husband as a gay man, now you have to be a transsexual who cuts your schmendrick off and becomes a woman. I really don’t following this, it’s insanity. It’s the meltdown of an entire society, it’s insane.” 
I will tell you why, it is because of people like you who belittle transgender people and call them derogatory names that have forced us into the closet for most of our lives, it is people like you that has caused the trans community to have one of the highest suicide rates of any marginalized community.

It is only now that we are getting the courage to transition, it is only now that society is realizing that society has been wrong to persecute the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.

1 comment:

  1. Many on the right do not consider San Francisco based Michael Savage to be a conservative. He is surely not a Republican. He is an entertainer who throws around issues like IEDs. When Bush was president he was after Bush on a daily basis. THe same with Obama.
    You, however, do not miss many opportunities to defame all who may not support your brand of leftism.
    I would suggest that you look at Saturday's NY Daily News Op Ed by Republican James Richardson, former spokesman for the RNC. Or you may want to look at some of the writings of former RNC Chairman, Ken Mehlman, another gay GOP member. You may also look into the work of the long standing Log Cabin Republicans or the more recently founded GOProud.
    You are a well educated ideologue and I keep holding out hope that you will put aside the hateful group assination rhetoric but perhaps with the country an economic mess, Obamacare tanking, our standing in the world a disgrace, terrorism growing unchecked and our best ally in the middle east being defamed and insulted all you have to talk about is group hate of others. You seem intent on proving that Saul Alinsky, a hero and mentor to both Hillary and Obama, had valid points to make in his Rules of Radicals.
