Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins
1. So I _asked her if she heard about Sue_!
2. On the other hand, _it is hard to believe what happened without having been there_.
3. There is _a little embellishment I think in her story_.
4. _Tiramisu _ is my favorite birthday dessert, but alas, I can no longer have it.
5. What represents happiness to me: _is being with family_.
6. As Dave (my SO) says, the early bird _takes a nap in the afternoon_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _watching a movie_, tomorrow my plans include _having someone come over and take my parents stuff from my basement to sell on commission_ and Sunday, I want to _watch the America’s Cup races on TV_!


  1. I've been reading lately about folks with storage in their basements and gardens in their yards...makes me wish I had bought a house instead of a condo!

  2. Just more space to clutter up.

    Nature abhors a vacuum and will fill it up.

  3. I like your early bird fill-in!!

  4. #4: Tiramisu FTW Outside of birthdays... it's my favorite! Yay! Also, #7: Watch a movie. I thought I was going to do that with hubs last night. However, he decided he wanted to play a video game because he got a new video card in his pc and wanted to check how it worked. He says it needs to be tweaked to make it better. LOL Maybe I can see a movie with him tonight? Oh, and... I don't have a basement anymore. My apt *is* the basement... so to speak... LOL
    Happy Weekend!
