Sunday, February 21, 2016


Danger, Will Roberson! Danger!

When I started hormones the doctor went over the list of possible side effects of Cross Gender Hormones and one of those listed was diabetes. Well I have diabetes; I was diagnoses with it in early 2012. Well now they are data mining Electronic Health Records (EHR) and some of the findings confirm the prevalence of diabetes for those on CGH.
Electronic Health Record Data May Sharpen Diabetes Screening
By Miriam E Tucker
February 19, 2016

Data from electronic health records (EHR) can be used to improve detection of patients with diabetes, finds a new study that also identified possible novel diabetes risk factors.

The results were published online February 16 in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics by Ariana Anderson, PhD, a research professor and statistician at the University of California, Los Angeles.

In their analysis of nearly 10,000 EHRs, Dr Anderson and colleagues identified several new possible risk factors for type 2 diabetes, including a history of viral, chlamydial, and intestinal infections and sexual and gender-identity disorders. On the other hand, migraine disorder and cardiac dysrhythmias were associated with lower risk. Using those findings, they created a model that significantly raised the prediction for type 2 diabetes beyond that of traditional risk factors.
The study population included approximately 131,000 unique EHR visit entries, containing 9948 patients from 1137 unique sites spanning all 50 United States, collected between 2009 and 2012. Type 2 diabetes was listed as an ICD-9 250.X category diagnosis in 18%. Because there were a great deal of missing data — such as family history and prior medication use — the setup posed a "worst-case" scenario for prediction, Anderson and colleagues write.
And how much was the increase?
The full EHR model identified unexpected factors that were associated significantly with current type 2 diabetes. Sexual and gender-identity disorders increased the risk by approximately 130%, about the same order of magnitude as hypertension. Sexually transmitted disorders raised the risk by 82% and gastrointestinal infections by 88%, both roughly similar to the 101% rise seen with obesity.
I would suggest that if you are on CGH you should know the symptoms of diabetes, I didn’t and it nearly cost me my life! Here is what you can do to lower the risk and the symptoms of diabetes.

I watch my carbohydrate intake and trying to lose weights and between those two thing I have been managing the disease without drugs or injections.

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