Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday Six – Episode 276

Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 276

1. Take the quiz: What Does Your Address Say About You?

Your Address Says You're Thoughtful

Right now, you are spending a lot of time by yourself. Reflection is important to you.
You are a thoughtful, philosophical person... and becoming more so every day.

At your best, you have enough space and quiet to figure things out.
At your worst, you are overwhelmed and even a bit alienated.

2. How seriously are have you worked in the past month to change your life for the better, rather than living with the status quo?
Well in the last month, not too much, but if you look at the last 12 months, it is a lot.
I went back to college to get my Master’s in Social Work, I am a member of the Student Government and I lobby for a anti-discrimination law.

3. How much has your life felt like it is “brimming with opportunities” in the past month, and have you seriously considered taking any of them?
The same can be said about this question, not much in the past month, but a whole lot in the last year. I have met so many new people, I have been exposed to many new ideas, that some times I am even amazes.

4. How important is becoming wealthy and successful, and has its level of importance changed at all in the past year?
Done that and been there, now is the time to do what I want. To do things that I feel will make a change in other people lives.

5. If your life could be placed on a scale that would balance between “work hard” and “play hard,” which side would be heaviest?
Since I am retired and going back to school is because that is what I want to do, not something that I have to do; it is all play.

6. How much do you feel right now that you’re at some kind of crossroads?
Chuckle, chuckle... yeah, I thing I am at a crossroads in my life right now. In the past three years I only retired, changed genders and went back to school!

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