Monday, October 29, 2007

Saturday Six - Episode 184

Patrick’s Place

1. Which of the following two would you find more offensive if you saw it out in the open in a family restaurant: two men holding hands or a woman breast-feeding a child? Why?

I won’t find either one of them offensive. Why would you find two men holding hands any different then a heterosexual couple? Why should they have to hide their sexual orientation?
And why would you find a woman who was discreetly breast-feeding a child? Should the woman have to hide, like it was something shameful to be done only out of sight?

2. Which of the following would you find more offensive if you heard someone say it: a blond joke or a racial joke? Why?

Both; they are both demeaning. When you make a joke about somebody you are really, how ever subtly, you are trying to dominate the other group.

3. Which of these would you generally consider more offensive: An atheist who badmouths Christians, or a Christian who badmouths atheists? Why?
I find them both offensives; see my answer to question 2. We all should respect each other views and the only exception to this is when one group tries to impose their believes on to other (i.e. slavery).

4. Which of the following ideas about a presidential hopeful would you find more offensive: that a woman shouldn’t run for president because a woman doesn’t belong in the White House, or that a black man shouldn’t run for president because a black man doesn’t belong in the White House? Why?
Once again I do not believe in either statement, I find both offensives. Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and religion should not be the basis for electing a President. We should vote for who can do the best job for the country.

5. Which of the following political terms or movements would you find the most offensive: “Pro-Life” or “Defense of Marriage”? Why?

Both once again, I do not believe in abortion, I believe that we should be responsive adults and take the proper precaution to prevent unwanted pregnancies. That said, I also believe in the woman’s right to choose what she wants to do with her body.
I do not believe a religious organization should impose their belief on others.

6. Which of the following forms of protest are you likely to find most offensive: an animal rights group’s members shedding clothes to encourage people not to buy fur, or a war protest group’s members burning the American flag to criticize war policy? Why?

This is a little complicated; I would be most offended be the animal rights groups because they are destroying private property and they are trying to impose their will by violence.
Now then about the flag burning, I believe that flag burning makes a very strong political statement. But I believe it makes the wrong statement and I would not want to be associated with any group, cause or organization that burns the flag. That burning the flag it their right and it is my right to protest again them burning the flag.


  1. Not to be arguementitive but how is the animal rights group destroying private property by shedding their own clothes to protest the filthy practice of wearing fur?

  2. I took the question to say that they were shedding other people clothes. If they were shedding their own clothes I have no problem with that.

    The question was not clear and I assumed that because in the seventies that was what they did; cut up other people clothes and they threw red paint at them.
