Friday, October 06, 2006


From Belicove Blog

Q1 - Grocery Shopping: When you go to the grocery store, do you create a shopping list beforehand or do you buy according to a routine or whatever suits your tastes?
I usually have a shopping list, but I also do buy on impulse or if it is on sale.

Q2 - Awards: If you did the work, which award would you like to receive: The Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Literature, or Peace?
I would like to get the Noble Prize in Peace. A close second is in Physics.

Q3 - Politics: Do you plan on voting in this November's elections? If so, and if a congressional seat is up for grabs in your area, do you view your ballot as a vote "against" the President, rather than a vote "for" him, or will your vote not take into account the President's performance?
Yes, I will be voting in the November elections and I will not be voting for or against the President. I will be voting on issues that I feel are important to me; the war in Iraq, energy, health insurance and the economy.
I am working as a volunteer for the Lamont senatorial campaign because I feel the Senator Lieberman does not represent my views in the issues that I feel important to me.

Q4 - Royalty: If you could be King or Queen of any country, which country would you choose and why? (Sorry but Disneyland is not a country.)
I would like to be Queen of some Micronesia Island. Isn’t it obvious, to lay out on some South Pacific island and be waited on hand and foot.

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