Thursday, February 05, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins #110

Janet’s Friday’s Fill-in #110

1. Please don't tell _I took a second helping of cookies_.

2. Can you _wake up without any caffeine_ in the morning?

3. The color _green_ makes me want to _go hiking_! (Hey, what do you want? That was the first thing that pooped into my hesd.)

4. I have a craving for _pickles_. (No, I’m not! For some reason I have been having a craving for half sour pickles.)

5. If my life had a pause button, I'd pause it _so I would have more time to write my papers_.

6. Eyes are the _gateway to the mind_.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going out to dinner with some friends for a friends birthday and then to the coffee house for some folk music_, tomorrow my plans include _doing homework_ and Sunday, I want to _go to Norwich to give a training class on the Anti-Discrimination bill_!


  1. I like that...a gateway to the mind. Have a good weekend!

  2. mmmm, I LOVE pickles :-)

  3. Please don't tell I took a second cookie...or gained a pound!

  4. for #2, my question indeed!

  5. Happy Birthday to your friend.t

  6. Hi Paula - the anti-discrimination bill class sounds interesting!

    Sreisaat Adventures

  7. Craving pickles is OK, it's when you crave pickles with chocolate topping you know you're in trouble. haha.
    Sounds like you have a very busy weekend ahead - enjoy!

  8. Haha, I won't tell if you won't tell on me too! :D

    I so need caffeine in the morning, if not, I can't function well...

    Ooh, green makes me want to sleep more, something about it is so relaxing... :D

    Pickles? Really? :D

    Happy Weekend! :D

  9. Sounds like a busy weekend! Have a good one!

  10. Caffeine is the first thing on my list in the morning...can't function without it:)

  11. ahh yes, folk music night, enjoy yourself!

  12. Pickles are great! I have to buy the expensive jars and my siblings eat them all!!

  13. coffee and green, baby! Great minds think alike!
    Happy Weekend!FF#6

  14. Sounds like a busy and interesting weekend, have fun!

  15. love folk music! Sounds like you have a busy weekend a head of you... enjoy!

  16. I'd like to see some green around here, but I think it's a bit too early for that just yet. Until then, no hikes for me even though our snow has been melting.
