Tuesday, June 06, 2006

5 Things Meme

From "A 'Textbook-Good' Visit" who stole it from Jen who stole it from.............

5 things in my refrigerator.....

1. Lemonaide
2. A chicken thawing out for supper.
3. Lettuce, tomato, pepper and onion, salad for supper.
4. Generic cans of soda ( Cream, Root Beer, Grape and Black Cherry )
5. Something in the back that is green and blue that seems to be growing in a jar.

5 things in my closet.....

1. Two sets of clothes; about four feet worth of my male clothes and about fourteen feet of women?s clothes ( Oh, the joys of living in two worlds, two sets of clothes, twice as much laundry. )
2. A pile of sheets that I brought down from New Hampshire that I have to do this weekend.
3. Purses
4. Jewelry
5. Blueprints of my house with a copy of the plot plan.

5 things in my purse.......

1. Wallet
2. Kleenex
3. A hair brush
4. Tums
5. A pad and pen

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