Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Election Day - T-Minus 365 And Counting!

I have voted ever since I was old enough to vote, to me voting was a civic responsibility. When I was in college in Rochester NY I cast an absentee ballot, oh I missed a couple of vote but mainly because they were not published and I didn't know about them.

But since 2016 it has become more than a civic duty, it has literally become a matter of life or death. It has become like the meme says it has become more than Republican v. Democrat, it has become a matter that one party wants to take us back to the 1950s v, the other party wants to move us into the Twenty-First century. I remember Trump's election waking up around 3 AM and reading the headlines, it was like waking up in the middle of a dystopia movie and the zombies are coming after you.

We have to make the 2024 more that who is going to pave the road in front of my house, or will cut my taxes. But rather between authoritarianism and freedom, between the party that wants to control your body, what you read, and what you say versus a party that want you to make your own decisions about your body, about what you read, doesn’t tell your doctors how they can treat you, and doesn’t prevent you from talking about being gay or trans.

Don’t sit this upcoming election out we need everyone to help!

First they came for women’s right to determine what they do with their bodies,
Then they came for the trans,
Then they came for the drag queens,
Then they came for the books that we can read,
Then they came for what was can say,
Then they came for me.

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