Friday, June 07, 2024

My Theory

This is my own theory not backed up by any scientific evidence on why I’m trans.

#1 Mother Nature doesn’t make mistakes but she does a lot of experiments in trying to make a better human. She is like a mad scientist tinkering with the controls, a snip here and snip there with the DNA a new diseases is created.  Add some proteins here and we get these crazy cells the multiply like crazy.

#2 My father was 42 and my mother was 38, this is what Perplexity AI had to say when asked “Do older parents have children with more birth defects?”
Yes, research shows that older parental age, particularly advanced paternal age, is associated with an increased risk of birth defects and other adverse birth outcomes in offspring. Here are the key findings from the provided search results:
And then it listed different outcomes.

#3 My mother had 2 or 3 miscarriages before she had me in the late 1940s, do you know what they gave the mother from having a miscarriage? DES.

Perplexity AI:
According to the provided search results, in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, pregnant women were commonly prescribed a synthetic estrogen drug called diethylstilbestrol (DES) in an attempt to prevent miscarriages.
Um… what do you think giving estrogen does to the male fetus?

#4 For seventh grade initiation we had to dress up in a skort, one high heel shoe, and wear our fathers shirt backwards.

#5 With COVID some people died, some people were hospitalized, while for others it was no worst than a common cold. Gender Dysphoria is the same way, I’ve seen some that needed Gender Confirming Surgery NOW! and for some that the itch is satisfied once a month going out with friends.

I believe that Gender Dysphoria is a spectrum, some get bitten a little and crossdress occasionally while others must have Gender Confirming Surgery no matter what. I believe that it is not one thing that causes GD but a combination of nature and nurture which determines out path.

Well that’s my working theory on why I’m trans. That’s the hand that Mother Nature dealt me, it is not the greatest but it is the hand that she dealt me and it is just as good as any other… I’m alive and I want to stay that way. Everyday is a new adventure.

1 comment:

  1. DJ,s Mom was given DES as well beforZ was born and before her younger son who is gày as well the theory adds up No matter why you all are who you are and real humans and wonderfull
