Monday, June 10, 2024


Everything about them is fake just like the Republicans, it has a highfalutin sounding name but it is really a small group of Christian doctors with an agenda, the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it…
Documents left public on a Google Drive by anti-LGBTQ+ hate group American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), first reported by WIRED, reveal nearly a decade of coordination between ACPeds and another hate group, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), to shore up anti-trans policy efforts and legal arguments with bespoke research.

Between Sept. 30 and Dec. 1, 2014, ADF sent letters to school boards in Minnesota, Rhode Island, Virginia and Wisconsin warning that they could be open to litigation for policies allowing transgender students to use appropriate facilities such as bathrooms and locker rooms. On Dec. 5, 2014, ADF sent an email with a similar message to school superintendents across the U.S. The letters and emails were signed by Jeremy D. Tedesco, then senior counsel at ADF, now vice president of corporate engagement, responsible for “efforts to combat corporate cancel culture.”
Okay now you know who the American College of Pediatricians is,
American College of Pediatricians issues fiery statement condemning child gender transition
The American College of Pediatricians and other groups argue evidence does not support transgender medical procedures are best for gender dysphoric children and adolescents
Fox News
By Chris Pandolfo
June 9, 2024

Documents left public on a Google Drive by anti-LGBTQ+ hate group American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), first reported by WIRED, reveal nearly a decade of coordination between ACPeds and another hate group, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), to shore up anti-trans policy efforts and legal arguments with bespoke research.

Between Sept. 30 and Dec. 1, 2014, ADF sent letters to school boards in Minnesota, Rhode Island, Virginia and Wisconsin warning that they could be open to litigation for policies allowing transgender students to use appropriate facilities such as bathrooms and locker rooms. On Dec. 5, 2014, ADF sent an email with a similar message to school superintendents across the U.S. The letters and emails were signed by Jeremy D. Tedesco, then senior counsel at ADF, now vice president of corporate engagement, responsible for “efforts to combat corporate cancel culture.”


The only problem for Sears and Tedesco was a lack of evidence to support their claims; and, to make the claims stick, someone needed to elaborate. A new trove of internal documents from the American College of Pediatricians suggests ADF turned to the group known to traffic in anti-LGBTQ+ “junk science” to “substantiate” many of its anti-LGBTQ+ talking points and provide medical justification for interpreting Title IX to exclude gender-identity protections. Together, the documents offer insight into how the groups manufactured legislative, legal and public relations challenges to medical science and public policy throughout the 2010s that have resulted in a rollback of abortion rights and nearly unprecedented restrictions on bodily autonomy in the U.S.
And the Republicans legislators just eat this right up… they have this highfalutin sounding medical organization, GLAAD writes,
The Southern Poverty Law Center has categorized the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) as an anti-LGBTQ hate group. ACP was founded in 2002 when a few people among the 60,000-plus members of the respected mainstream American Academy of Pediatrics broke away to protest a policy supporting adoption by same-sex couples. ACP has issued policies and statements targeting LGBTQ people and youth, including:
So when you hear that highfalutin name again you will know that they are a small right-wing Christian organization.

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