Saturday, June 22, 2024

Cuckoo Award

Wow, this weeks Cuckoo Award goes to a legislator who after 2AM was arrested for chasing a stripper around a parking lot with a gun!
Michigan Lawmaker Says Arrest Involving Gun and Adult Dancer Was Second Amendment Advocacy
Rep. Neil Friske’s communications team belongs in the Crisis Response Hall of Fame.
JUNE 21, 2024


According to a police spokesperson quoted in the Detroit Free Press, officers were dispatched to an area near Friske’s residence in the state capital—he represents a district in northern Michigan—to “respond to reports of a male with a gun.” Per the Freep, Friske is being held in police lockup, which did not stop his reelection campaign from releasing a doozy of a statement:


In official statement from Rep. @NeilFriske’s campaign.

— Danielle James (@dani_james21) June 20, 2024
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counteraccusations! Concurrently to his arrest, somehow, Friske also posted this tweet, which includes a fairly complicated allegorical graphic explaining his opposition to a bill pending in the Legislature which would outlaw A.I.-generated pornography:

This is a metaphoric visual of why I vote the way I do in Lansing. I’m not going to cave to the pressure of special interest. I’m not afraid of the false accusations, like “Friske is for AI Porn” when a bill denies THE PEOPLE their rights to properly defend themselves.

— State Rep Neil Friske, MI-107 (@NeilFriske) June 20, 2024
Who me? Never mind me this look over there… Nothing to look at here folks, move on.

So this week award goes to Republican Rep. Neil Friske for chasing a stripper with a gun in a parking lot at around 3AM… you have to wonder what the disrupt was about?

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