Sunday, January 21, 2024

First They Said It Was To Protect The Children.

But as time goes by we see the truth coming out, that saving the children was only a way to get their foot in the door, it is much bigger than that!
The GOP Doesn’t Want to Punish Trans People—It Wants to Eradicate Them
This year, more than 200 anti-transgender bills have already been filed in the states. They are extreme. And many will pass.
The New Republic
By Brynn Tannehill
January 19, 2024

In 2023, the Republican Party dropped any pretense of being willing to tolerate transgender people. Almost 600 anti-transgender bills were filed in the states in 2023, and 85 passed. This was a sharp rise from previous years, but also continued a trend going back to 2018. Most of these bills were bans on health care, athletics, and bathrooms for transgender youth. The GOP clearly signaled an intent to go much further, however.

At the 2023 Conservative Political Action Conference, Michael Knowles took the main stage and called for the “eradication of transgenderism from public life” to a standing ovation. Not long after, Project 2025 (led by the Heritage Foundation) published the “Mandate for Leadership,” a 900-plus-page blueprint for the next Republican administration. The first legislative item in the executive summary declares that “transgender ideology” is a form of pornography, and that all pornography should be outlawed. It then goes on to call all trans people “child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women.” It further demands that anyone who is a “purveyor of transgender ideology” be put on sex offender lists and imprisoned.

This an explicit call to make being transgender illegal, and to put anyone who fails to flee or detransition in prison, or maybe camps if there are too many for the existing system to handle. This is already the solution Donald Trump is proposing for other “undesirables.” It’s not coming from fringe organizations: This is the mainstream of the GOP. When Trump promises to be a dictator on day one, it’s so that he can implement draconian policies and laws like these. Average Americans might think, “Surely we would never go this far? This sounds positively Naziesque, and it is, and we’re better than that, right?”
In my morning blog post I wrote about Ohio trying to ban adult healthcare, where have we heard before? Eradicating the “undesirables” is right out of the 1930s only then it was the Jews and us, and now it is only us.
Florida is also taking a swipe at freedom of speech when it comes to transgender people. Senate Bill 1780 would mandate a $35,000 penalty for accusing anyone of transphobia. It would also exempt people from defamation lawsuits by trans people if their views are based on their “scientific or religious” beliefs. Which is to say, you could call a specific transgender person a child molester without evidence and not be liable to the same civil suit risks you would be if you did the same to a cisgender person. This expands protections on speech for one class of people, while restricting them for the minority they’re attacking.
And this is from the state where the massacre of LGBT people at the Pulse Nightclub happened and now they want to legalize the hate against us.
There are also bills in several states that would make it impossible for trans people to obtain an accurate driver’s license and are likely to set up a full faith and credit clause fight in the Supreme Court. Florida House Bill 1233 would create government-held lists of transgender people by forcing them to sign affidavits of “biological sex” to obtain a driver’s license and face criminal penalties for fraud if they are transgender. Where the constitutional issue comes in will be when someone shows up at the DMV with a passport, birth certificate, and out-of-state driver’s license attesting that they are one sex and they are forced to put down another. This would seem to violate the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, which requires states to respect the laws and judgments of courts in other states. But we’ve already been down this road with same sex marriage.
They pogrom against us is gathering up into a full court press, attaching us from every directions.

They have some powerful backers (And one sits on the Supreme Court)…
Some might argue that these bills are “extreme” and have not passed yet. However, they follow the pattern we have seen since around 2020. The Heritage Foundation and the Alliance Defending Freedom, or ADF, another group central to these efforts, state their intentions. Ultraconservative legislators start introducing test bills in a few states. And within a couple of years, the “extreme” bills are the law of the land in nearly half the states in the land. Heritage has stated that its goal is to ban pornography, and that transgender people are inherently pornographic.
There is only one way to stop them… VOTE! And vote blue.

I cannot understand why any trans person or lesbian, or gay, or bi or queer person would vote for a Republican. They are voting to criminalize themselves, the only reason that I can see is greed, self-interest, and lack of empathy for others.

I have been accused of hating the Republicans… I don’t hate them, I fear them.
I fears that they will criminalize us.
I fear that they stand between my doctors and me.
I fear that they will ban the books that I read.
I fear that they will make just saying anything about trans illegal.

My body, my choice.

1 comment:

  1. Richard Nelson1/21/24, 7:36 PM

    When anyone accuses me of hating republicans I just say yes, I do, just like I hate Nazis, Fascists, neo-fascists, and Christian Nationalists and all of their ilk. I no longer subscribe to the "All you need is love crowd, understanding the danger that these folks are and what they have done in the past, are doing today and are capable of doing. Governments are debating your right to exist, what are we going to do about it? Glitter, fluff, rainbow cupcakes, mom hugs, just are not going to do it.
