Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Liar-In-Chief

I think no one lies more than Trump but the real problem is that he is doing physical harm to children.
Trump repeats false claims that children are undergoing transgender surgery during the school day
Trump’s remarks escalated conservatives’ claims that educators are “grooming” or “indoctrinating” children to become gay or transgender.
NBC News
By Matt Lavietes
September 9, 2024

Former President Donald Trump repeated his false claim that children are undergoing transition-related surgery during their school day, worsening fears among some conservatives that educators are pushing children to become transgender and aiding transitions without parental awareness.

“Can you imagine you’re a parent and your son leaves the house and you say, ‘Jimmy, I love you so much, go have a good day in school,’ and your son comes back with a brutal operation? Can you even imagine this? What the hell is wrong with our country?” Trump said Saturday at a campaign rally in Wisconsin, a vital swing state.

Trump made similar remarks — saying children were returning home from school after having had surgical procedures — the previous weekend at an event hosted by Moms for Liberty, a parent activist group that has gained outsized influence in conservative politics in recent years.
The Republicans don’t care that they are doing harm to children… they just want POWER! Power over others.
Asked by one of the group’s co-founders how he would address the “explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender,” Trump said: “Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.”
There is the other “Big Lie” that of the fake “Rapid Onset of Gender Dysphoria”
There is no evidence that a student has ever undergone gender-affirming surgery at a school in the U.S., nor is there evidence that a U.S. school has sent a student to receive such a procedure elsewhere.
But that doesn’t stop the true believers in the cult. If Trump said it, it must be true! As they worship at Trump feet.
Donald Trump’s Incredible ‘Transgender Thing’
The former president’s claim that public schools are providing sex-change operations is wrong—and dangerous.
The Atlantic
By Elaine Godfrey
September 3, 2024

During a conversation onstage at a Moms for Liberty event last week, Donald Trump said something that made even me—a seasoned visitor to Trump’s theme park of hyperbole—look around in confusion at the people near me in the audience.

“The transgender thing is incredible,” he told the Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice. “Think of it; your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.”

Headlines after the event declared that Trump was questioning the acceptance of transgender children. Fact-check: True. But his full comments are worth spending a little more time with. As is typical with the former president’s rhetoric, Trump took the tiniest smidgen of information, inflated it with 10,000 cubic feet of hot air, and sent it flying off into the country to rile up his supporters. Justice, of course, did not attempt to correct him or offer any context.
Meanwhile, the Democrats have…
Because it’s an election year, the conversation is only generating more heat. As governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz—now Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate—signed a law making his state a “trans refuge,” and another requiring that public schools provide free menstrual products to all students. Now Trump and others on the right are referring to Walz as “Tampon Tim.”
And the Republicans do what they do best; name calling.
In any case, Trump’s suggestion that schools are performing gender surgery is not only untrue; it’s also a dangerous, unsubtle dog whistle to the QAnon followers in his party, who have long argued that Democrats are sexualizing children. We already know that this kind of rhetoric can have violent outcomes: The propagation of a similar child-abuse theory famously resulted in a 2016 attack at a D.C. restaurant.

People can disagree in good faith about the policies governing schools supported by their taxpayer dollars. But disagreeing with those policies does not justify promoting conspiratorial lies.
If you read the comments on Yahoo and other sites where you can read comments you see that the people believe this cr*p.

The BBC writes…
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect. Here's how a typical experiment on the effect w2orks: participants rate how true trivia items are, things like "A prune is a dried plum". Sometimes these items are true (like that one), but sometimes participants see a parallel version which isn't true (something like "A date is a dried plum").
And the Republicans have learned the lesson well!

Vote for the lady you can trust, and not for the liar-in-chief… Vote Blue!

Speaking of Republican lies... 


1 comment:

  1. I saw that transgender surgery clip on Colbert last night. All I had to say was, please put that clip on all the evening news programs. The guy is a lunatic. That rambling would make a great Democratic campaign ad. I hope one of the commentators ask him about it on the debate. The guy is sick, but there a those who are sicker because they eat up his crap.
