Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New England’s Blue… Wrong!

People think that New England is solid blue but New Hampshire is reddish purple. In the land of "Live Free or Die" they passed laws banning us!
Republican Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire has signed a bill that would ban transgender athletes in grades 5-12 from teams that align with their gender identity, adding the state to nearly half in the nation that adopted similar measures.

The bill passed by the Republican-led Legislature would require schools to designate all teams as either girls, boys or coed, with eligibility determined based on students' birth certificates "or other evidence." Supporters of the legislation said they wanted to protect girls from being injured by larger and stronger transgender athletes.

Sununu signed the bill Friday, saying in a statement it "ensures fairness and safety in women's sports by maintaining integrity and competitive balance in athletic competitions." It takes effect in 30 days.
That doesn’t sound very blue to me.

That is the Republican new talking point, “protect girls from being injured by larger and stronger transgender athletes” In Massachusetts during a girls volleyball game a trans student “Spiked” the volleyball injuring another player and the right-wing conservatives went running around saying… See that’s what happens when you allow these big burly trans girls play. We protect from being injured by larger and stronger transgender athletes.

Yeah but! What they don’t say is that there were over 250 facial injuries last year and only one, that’s “1” player was injured by a trans athlete. If they were really interested in preventing injuries that would follow the recommendations to make sports safer.

It seems to me that injuries are common in sports between all players, why don’t they work toward injuries? Instead of attacking us over common injuries and riling them up against us!
Sununu also signed a bill Friday that would ban gender-affirming surgeries for transgender minors. That takes effect on Jan. 1, 2025. The care has been available in the United States for more than a decade and is endorsed by major medical associations.

"This bill focuses on protecting the health and safety of New Hampshire's children and has earned bipartisan support," Sununu wrote.
Well since there has never been “gender-affirming surgeries for transgender minors” in New Hampshire nor anywhere in the nation! But that doesn’t fit their agenda, instead they count on the general public not know about trans healthcare so they create a climate where people think that the doctors are like vultures waiting to preform surgery on minors on demand.

I vote for the party that does not tell you what bathroom to use.
I vote for the party that does not tell you can and cannot marry.
I vote for the party that does not tell you what books you can read.
I vote for the party that does not tell you what holy book you should follow.
I vote for the party that does not tell you what you can do with your body.
I vote for the party that is looking forwards and not backwards.
I’m voting for VP Harris.
I’m voting for the party with Integrity, Virtue, & Respect and not for a party that is lead by a con-artist who makes insurance salesman seem like saints!

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