Sunday, June 02, 2024

Who's Missing?


In 2021 the state of Connecticut commissioned a study of the LGBTQ+ community and one of the findings was:
Older Adults. There were specific housing comments related to the older adult LGBTQ+ population. These comments included concerns related to the inclusivity and safety of senior housing or assisted living facilities and affordability/financial assistance for those looking to live in their own home.
Okay, New Have Pride Center has a senior group, Triangle Community Center doesn’t, Hartford Health Collective doesn’t.

Why? Why don’t they have a senior group?

There was an LGBTQ+ event at the Capitol a couple of months ago… they had youth speak at the event, they had minorities speak at the event, and they had state officials speak at the event. Guess who they didn’t have speak at the event? Seniors.

The Stonewall generation is the forgotten generation, we are being put out to pasture.

Did the Middletown Pride Parade have a bus for the disabled and senior communities. As far as I can tell nope! Why not? Do you think we don’t want to be in the parade? You would think that they could talk a bus company to provide a bus or a trailer something so we could be in the parade… but I guess the parade rains on the disabled and senior communities.

One time I was at a “Town Hall Meeting” to discuss future legislation and needs of the community. We went around the room talking about where we needed more work… there were talk about more legislation for students, for employment, and then it got to me. I said we need more work with senior centers and long term care facilities. You know what I got in reply? A chant of “Boomer. Boomer”

Not one person there spoke up! Not a single activist in a room filled with activists. Not the person from a national organization, not the person running the meeting… no one.

The New Haven Pride Center is as far as I know the only LGBTQ+ organization that has a senior group no other LGBTQ+ organization cares enough about us seniors. I would attend their meetings except for two reasons: #1 It is at night. #2 It is in New Haven. New Haven is notorious for one way streets, which for a person who is not familiar with New Haven it is a nightmare.


1 comment:

  1. Richard Nelson6/2/24, 2:02 PM

    Those little twerps at the Town Hall Meeting who chanted along with the word “Boomer and their handlers and others should have been slapped silly. Just think if the chant contained some of the No No Words. So, I am going to say here and make it clear for only myself speaking, those in that room are no activists at all and I don’t care who from the in circles in this state were there at the meeting.

    I do not take most of the young folks seriously anymore. More and more folks seem to be more interested in fluff, rainbow cupcakes, loving cops and politicians, getting a mom hug, glitter on their bottoms, and a party. What if anything, have they accomplished? How I wish that someone would have pulled a Sylvia 1973 on their prides this year. Why, because as we well know the fascists are quickly approaching our doorsteps. Why, because if you get 20, 000 people in one area someone should be getting a message out. Ring that “Danger Bell.” If they fail to do so then they should not be holding the mic. But I don’t care to hear from the polite ones, of loving one's enemies and blessing those who persecute us. Not all of us care about going to heaven for our piece of the pie. So, more of our people are full of more fluff, more glitter and everyone blowing kisses to the cops. Where have all of the radicals gone?

    I would only go to a senior group if I knew that the chairs would be filled with not the give me a hug crowd but of folks who have worked the trenches. Once I had a tit for tat with a “newbie” to the movement who was about my age. She came into the show over the one issue of marriage. She argued with me saying that it wasn’t true that Trans folks were arrested due to what they were wearing. She screeched, “This is America, I don’t believe that you have it wrong.” I turned and looked at the organizers of the Pride meeting and said, “If this is what you have running the show then let me out of here.”

    One thing I know is if the young don’t see a place for us then it will be their downfall as when the shit hits the fan they will not know how to fight back. Too much fluff between their ears and sugar on their brains.

    P.S I don't really care if I am not included in their games for I have excluded most of their sorry butts long ago.
