Tuesday, June 04, 2024


The collision of two worlds, Pride runs into the middle east.
Hartford Courant
June 3, 2024

In addition to Bysiewicz, U.S. Rep. Jahana Hayes, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, State Treasurer Erick Russell, Comptroller Sean Scanlon, Attorney General William Tong, State Rep. Manny Sanchez, New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart and members of New Britain Pride were slated to attend the event.

As state and local officials gathered outside New Britain City Hall Monday morning to celebrate the first week of Pride Month, a group of pro-Palestinian LGBTQ+ protesters disrupted the city’s Pride flag-raising ceremony, demanding that certain leaders on the guest list leave.

Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz described the scene as protesters surrounded the flagpole refusing to leave. After negotiating with event organizers, Bysiewicz said the group left the flag pole but continued to chant as the New Britain as the ceremony carried on.


In addition to Bysiewicz, U.S. Rep. Jahana Hayes, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, State Treasurer Erick Russell, Comptroller Sean Scanlon, Attorney General William Tong, State Rep. Manny Sanchez, New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart and members of New Britain Pride were slated to attend the event.
However Congresswoman Hayes left early,
“As an ally and supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community, I recognize events like this flag raising as a celebration and acknowledgment of their struggle and the contributions they continue to make in our communities,” Hayes said in a statement posted on Instagram. “Today was not about me so I left the event as an attempt to minimize disruptions and allow their ceremony to continue.”
The group that were protesting…
The protesters, who describe themselves as a “loose cohort of LGBTQ+ individuals and allies,” said they are calling on “all Pride event organizers and participants to firmly refuse to give a platform to pro-genocide politicians.”

1 comment:

  1. Richard Nelson6/4/24, 10:38 PM

    My stand has always been: NO COPS! NO POLITICIANS! NO CORPORATIONS! for any reason at Pride. I would have to say that I agree with the protesters 100% in calling out pro-genocide politicians and thank them for standing up. Hopefully they will take over the stage in September at Hartford Pride and not only call out the politicians who are pro-genocide but also the rise of fascism in the U.S.
