Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Doctor! Doctor! What Is This?

So to set the stage.

It is 2004, I am in the Monday morning production meeting when I noticed two wet stains on the front of my shirt. ??????? After the meeting I go to the bathroom look and there is white liquid coming out of my breast! And there is a little pimple fulled with white puss.

I get back to my desk and call my endo doctor, he said that happens to some people when you first start on hormones.

This just popped up on my Facebook feed...
Yes, trans women can breastfeed too. Here’s why it’s safe, healthy and good for both mum and baby
Yes, trans women can breastfeed – and research shows that trans women breastfeeding is perfectly healthy and safe for both mother and baby.
Pink News
By Patrick Kelleher
February 19, 2024

Most people assume that only cisgender women can breastfeed, but a combination of medical research and anecdotal evidence prove this is not the case, and transgender women can also take part in breastfeeding.

In fact, we know that trans women can successfully breastfeed their children – and that the milk they produce can, at the very least, be just as nutritious as that produced by the birthing parent.

In 2018, the medical journal Transgender Health published a case study that detailed how a trans woman living in New York was able to induce lactation using a “basic framework” established by previous researchers.

In order to breastfeed, the woman’s dosage of an oestrogen steroid hormone called oestradiol was increased, as was her dosage of another hormone called progesterone. She was also given a galactagogue – medication designed to boost lactation supply – to increase her prolactin levels.

Finally, the woman was told to use a breast pump before her partner gave birth, to help increase her level of prolactin, a hormone made by the pituitary gland which helps breasts grow and create milk.
The male and female bodies are way more similar than most people think. Going on Cross Gender Hormone Therapy you can see the amazing changes hormone make. Fat gets relocated… to your breasts and butt! You lose muscle mass.
Most people assume that only cisgender women can breastfeed, but a combination of medical research and anecdotal evidence prove this is not the case, and transgender women can also take part in breastfeeding.

In fact, we know that trans women can successfully breastfeed their children – and that the milk they produce can, at the very least, be just as nutritious as that produced by the birthing parent.

In 2018, the medical journal Transgender Health published a case study that detailed how a trans woman living in New York was able to induce lactation using a “basic framework” established by previous researchers.

In order to breastfeed, the woman’s dosage of an oestrogen steroid hormone called oestradiol was increased, as was her dosage of another hormone called progesterone. She was also given a galactagogue – medication designed to boost lactation supply – to increase her prolactin levels.

Finally, the woman was told to use a breast pump before her partner gave birth, to help increase her level of prolactin, a hormone made by the pituitary gland which helps breasts grow and create milk.
This is why it is important to stop puberty in trans youth to give them time to decided without the worry of those evil hormones. Up until puberty boys and girls bodies are the same, it is not until puberty does the differences between the sexes begin to develop. Puberty blockers stops that bifurcation to allow the child time to think. Unlike the lies the conservatives and Republicans are spreading the blockers are totally reversible and do no harm to the child. It is just a pause button.
Cleo Madeleine is a spokesperson for Gendered Intelligence, a UK-based charity that works to increase understandings of gender diversity and improve the quality of life of trans people. She worries that society is regressing when it comes to attitudes towards LGBTQ+ parents, and the backlash to trans women breastfeeding is part of that.
Conservatives fear change, they are living in the past. All this change makes their head spin they want it to be like the “Father Knows Best” era of the 1950s and they can live in their make-believe world.


I accidently publish this on Sunday, it was supposed to be on Monday but those articles have been prewritten so I changed it to today.

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