Thursday, April 25, 2024

I Don't Know


I can't understand why someone who is trans would join an anti-LGBTQ+ organization.

It is beyond my imagination! So I asked Perplexity.AI and it is beyond the AI understanding also.
Question: "Why would a person who is transgender join a political organization that is anti-transgender?"

Based on the search results provided, it is highly unlikely that a transgender person would willingly join a political organization that is anti-transgender. The search results indicate that the anti-transgender movement is actively working to eliminate the rights, protections, and legal recognition of transgender and gender diverse people. [1 & 4]

This movement is described as coordinating efforts to ban gender-affirming healthcare, institutionalize anti-trans conversion practices, and bar transgender people's participation in public life. [4]

The search results make it clear that the agenda of the anti-transgender movement poses a serious threat not just to transgender individuals, but to the broader LGBTQ+ community, reproductive rights, and democracy as a whole. [4]  Transgender people would have no incentive to join such an organization that is fundamentally opposed to their very existence and rights.

The search results also highlight how the anti-transgender movement has sought to co-opt and weaponize certain feminist groups, like the Women's Liberation Front, in order to divide the LGBTQ+ movement. [1]

This suggests the anti-transgender movement is acting in bad faith and using deceptive tactics, rather than genuinely representing the interests of transgender individuals.

In summary, the search results indicate there is no plausible reason why a transgender person would willingly join a political organization that is actively working to restrict their rights and freedoms. [1, 2, & 4]

Such an action would be completely antithetical to the transgender person's own interests and wellbeing
[1, 4, & 5]

So I asked ChatGPT...

There could be several reasons why a transgender person might join a political organization that is anti-transgender:

    1. Belief in Other Policies: They might agree with the organization on other political issues. People are complex, and someone might prioritize certain political stances over others, even if they directly contradict their own identity or interests.
    2. Identity Complexity: Their transgender identity might not be the sole or primary aspect of their identity. They might prioritize other aspects of their identity, such as political ideology, religious beliefs, or community ties.
    3. Desire for Change from Within: Some individuals might join such organizations with the hope of influencing change from within. They might believe that by being a member, they can challenge and change the organization's anti-transgender stance over time.
    4. Lack of Awareness or Understanding: It's possible that the individual hasn't fully come to terms with their own transgender identity, or they may not fully understand the implications of the organization's anti-transgender stance. They might be joining the organization for reasons unrelated to transgender issues, without fully realizing the conflict.
    5. Social Pressure or Obligation: They might join due to familial, social, or professional pressures. They could feel compelled to align with the organization for fear of rejection, ostracization, or other negative consequences if they don't comply with the expectations of their social circle or community.
    6. Seeking Acceptance: In some cases, transgender individuals might join anti-transgender organizations in a misguided attempt to seek acceptance or validation from a group they perceive as powerful or influential, even if it means suppressing or denying their own identity.
    7. Misinformation or Manipulation: They might have been misled or manipulated by the organization's propaganda or messaging, leading them to believe that their interests align with the organization's goals, despite evidence to the contrary.

It's essential to recognize that each individual's motivations and circumstances are unique, and there's no single explanation that applies to all cases.

And I couldn't leave Google out of it, so I asked Gemini...
There are a few reasons why a transgender person might join a seemingly anti-trans organization:

    Misaligned Beliefs: The organization might have some policies the transgender person agrees with, even if they disagree with the anti-trans stances. For instance, they might prioritize economic policies and overlook social stances.
    Hope for Change: They might believe they can influence the organization from within, working to change its views on transgender rights.
    Internalized Transphobia: In some cases, a transgender person might have internalized negative messages about themselves and their identity. This could lead them to believe the anti-trans rhetoric of the organization.
    Lack of Awareness: It's possible the transgender person isn't fully aware of the organization's anti-trans positions.

However, it's important to consider that these reasons don't justify joining an anti-trans organization. There are many LGBTQ+ rights organizations that work towards positive change for transgender people.

I think that Gemini came the closet to what I thought... "Internalized Transphobia" and I also think that they are thinking with their pocketbook. "Its my money and I want to keep it! Sc**w everyone else!"

What are your thoughts on why a trans person or lesbians and gays join an anti-LGBTQ+ organization?



  1. I strongly recommend that people join the advocacy group of their adversaries. Whether the issue is the one at hand or some other issue, I enthusiastically recommend doing this. It is why I listen to both NPR and to Fox News. It is why I read both the New York Times and The Epoch Times. It is why I join both academic groups and military groups. My reason was written thousands of years ago in a classic military book in an East Asian culture that likely did not know that Europe existed at the time. And Europe was just as ignorant in the same way.

    My reason comes from my upbringing, from my West Point education. One of history’s greatest generals taught it to me in a speech that he gave in the great Mess Hall at West Point. “Your purpose is fixed, inviolable. It is to win our wars. Let other public purposes find others for their accomplishment.” “There is no substitute for victory.” My reason is from Sun Tzu, as disruptive a military thinker as ever existed. He wrote that if you know yourself and you know your adversary, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

    I join other groups to learn. In American politics, most groups rarely consider seriously the core principles and beliefs of their adversaries. They consider their adversaries’ behaviors only to copy the more effective methods. It would be hilarious to observe were it not so sad.

    These groups are echo chambers, most of them. They quickly reveal their core beliefs and who their thinkers are. They reveal who the useful idiots are, though that is rather obvious without joining any of them. They reveal their core principles. I avoid the violent ones. They rarely think things through and one can get needlessly injured that way. Without internal dissent, these groups get lazy and reveal their weaknesses. I find out who is there to talk and who, if anyone, is there to win. Talking is fun. Winning is hard, painful work.

    As an example, consider the abortion issue. Ever hear any pro-life person say anything serious in public about the plight of a woman with an unplanned pregnancy? Rare, isn’t it? Ever hear any pro-choice person seriously in public consider babies’ lives? Nope, rare, isn’t it? Few on any side have interest in changing that. Maybe many of them have their interest in perpetuating the debate. If the issue ever gets settles, the unemployment rate for agitators will rise until they find new jobs as agitators.

    The issues of our day with this problem are legion, yours among them.

    Your sources have this same problem. I am a college professor who learned over the past half century from the engineers and programmers who created the AI that you use. I then taught many of our next two generations. I know from studying human nature that they have biases. I know from my work and from my close colleagues and my industry friends what those biases are. Your AI bots are echo chambers themselves. A similar situation was a scandal when it recently occurred at NPR. They are really sore now because they got caught. In an AI program, it is easier to hide effectively. I ought to know.

    The recent Hamas riots are a different animal. Hamas is here to win their war. They talk only if it improves their path to victory. They know from diligent study how to defeat an enemy that is backed by the Americans. General Vo Nguyen Giáp wrote the book on that subject in blood. They understand useful idiots. Osama bin Laden taught them to bring the fight to North America, turning the Bush Doctrine on its head. They put some thought into their work, more so than any recent group who freely use violence. They have weaknesses but so far, they are advancing. If you want victory against an American foe, study them.

    If you are here to talk, you are doing fine. If you are in the fray to win, you must know your adversary or you must be so lucky that casinos lock their doors when they see you coming. That is why I join groups that oppose my goals. I am not lucky or talkative.

    1. Yes, I totally agree. I subscribed to anti-LGBTQ email lists to track them. I joked that I had to take my blood pressure meds before I read them. But these people go beyond that, they actively take part in suppressing us.
