Saturday, January 07, 2023

Saturday 9: What's New, Pussycat?

Sam's Saturday 9: What's New, Pussycat? (1965)

On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2023.

1) In this song, Tom Jones wants to know what's new in his girl's life. Here at Saturday 9, we're concentrating on the new year. What do you hope will be new and different in your life during 2023?

I hope that the medical tests in a couple of weeks will find out why I shortness of breath. 

2) He sings that he has flowers for his special girl. Are there fresh flowers in your home right now?


3) He also wants to spend hours with her. What is something you'd like to spend more time doing in 2023?

Walking and take more photos.

4) Before his music career took off, Tom Jones supported himself by selling vacuum cleaners. Could your home benefit from a once-over with a vacuum right now?

Most definitely, because of my shortness of breath I find it hard to clean.

5) Memorabilia from Tom's 1990 world tour was available eBay and the bids went up to $599 a jacket worn by the stage crew. Have you ever bought anything at an auction (online or otherwise)?


But I’ll tell you a story about an auction.

Before the plague (AKA COVID) I attended a fundraiser dinner each year for the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective, you know the type of banquet where you pay an arm and a leg for a rubber chicken (But I have to confess the food has been excellent since they moved to a new venue.).

Well they have a live auction and boy you don’t want to rub your nose, you might end up getting cruise. One time the cruise went for around $10,000!

6) Tom's adult grandson, Alex, represented Wales in rifle shooting in the Commonwealth Games. Is there a sport you'd like to try, or get better at, in 2023?

Um… you know me and sports. I rather go to a photograph class than anything with sports.

7) In 1965, when this song was popular, Tom Jones made a new friend, Elvis Presley. Tom had a meeting at Paramount Studios to discuss recording a song for a movie soundtrack and Elvis was finishing a film. It was the beginning of a friendship that would continue for the rest of Elvis' life. Did you make any new friends in 2022?

I met a lot of interesting people, including the Jeopardy winner Amy Schneider.

8) Also in 1965, The Sound of Music premiered and became one of the most successful movies of all time. Have you seen it?

Of course many times, I even went by their lodge when I went skiing at Stowe VT, but that was back in high school with high school ski club.

9) Random question: Were you like those shoppers we saw on TV, in line at a retailer after the holidays to exchange a gift that wasn't quite right?

Nope. No gifts this year, we don’t exchange gifts anymore we are all senior citizens.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


Sorry about not answering any post last Saturday, I got a stomach virus, it was not a fun time. 


  1. I hope you're feeling better, and that the new year gives you many opportunities to take pictures.

  2. I have shortness of breath at times. I even asked them to run a test on my heart a few years ago. Everything was fine. They did give me an inhaler though, which I only use when I have a bad cough. I suspect for me it might be that I am overweight. They say exercise induced asthma. I hope you get some answers that will help you! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend! ♥

  3. I hope you are going to be ok. Good luck.

  4. I used to love taking photos, but now that everything is right there in the cell phone I never seem to think of it. Praying the tests give some answers and the doctors are able to help.

  5. Richard Nelson1/7/23, 8:18 PM

    Hope the shortness of breath issue can be resolved. I have the same along with a tightness in my chest. I had all sorts of tests done and all the doctors could tell me is that I have something, but he didn't know what it is. I used to walk a lot for fun. But now not so much. I really don't want to drop out on the sidewalk. Today I got stuck in between bus times and had to walk over 2 miles. I almost had a feeling of dropping out three times but kept going. I do hope you continue to take more photographs. You have a keen eye and take some really beautiful ones.
    Be well and get well. We need your voice and wisdom more than ever. No rest for us old activists. I did more research today on the first fight back against oppression which happened in 1952 at the Hartford Railroad station. Will send details.

  6. Your auction story is so funny, and so true! You have to be careful!
    The first time I went to an auction I was very preggers with our first. I thought maybe I'd buy a lamp or the baby's room. What I ended up wanting was a little folding mirror so badly that I didn't quit bidding it up a quarter at a time. I finally got it for a buck seventy five. I think the baby kicked me for not getting a lamp.

  7. I am sorry you are having a hard time breathing. I have had issues with shortness of breath due to anxiety. I hope you get an answer soon. That is cool that you met Jeopardy winner Amy Schneider!
