Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Why Is It The So Called Family Organizations Have To Butt In?

A so called “Family Association” is against our marriage down Australia and they are raising a ruckus over it.
WTF Is Up With "Transgender Marriage" And The Same-Sex Marriage Debate?Here's the deal with "transgender marriage".
BuzzFeed News
By Lane Sainty
Posted on August 29, 2017

As Australia carries out its postal survey on same-sex marriage, the spectre of "transgender marriage" has been raised by some anti-LGBTI groups, as well as former Labor leader Mark Latham.

The Australian Family Association and the National Civic Council, which are very much opposed to same-sex marriage, have warned against allowing any two consenting adults to marry, claiming it will lead to changes in other laws.
The question you'll tick "yes" or "no" to in the postal survey later this year is: "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?"

But a "yes" vote won't automatically change the law — the parliament still needs to pass a bill to legalise same-sex marriage. And it's the wording of this bill that will determine who can and can't marry in Australia, not the postal survey itself.
The law will simple state, “Marriage means the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life".

But once again that put the right wing in to a tizzy,
But some groups already in opposition to same-sex marriage have wielded the notion of "transgender marriage" as a tool in the debate.

A few days after the postal survey was announced earlier this month, the Australian Family Association sent out an email to supporters titled, "It's not same-sex marriage, it's transgender marriage".
So here is what got the bug under up their you know what,
It also claims that the "two people" change would mean transgender women can legally access "female school showers, change rooms and toilets, compete in women's sports and access female shelters". (These issues are dictated by anti-discrimination law or local laws and regulations, and are unrelated to any proposed change to the Marriage Act.)
But here is the kicker…
Many transgender, intersex and non-binary people in relationships can already marry, depending on their personal legal status when it comes to sex and gender.

For instance, Greens senator Janet Rice is legally married to her wife, Penny Whetton, who is transgender. Whetton's birth certificate still reads that she is male, and under current Victorian law, she and Rice would have to get divorced before it could be changed to read female.
So all these right wingers are doing is trying to stir up trouble to kill the postal survey.

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