Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs…

Any trans person knows this about getting a job, no matter how much the companies say they don’t discriminate we know otherwise.
Transgender and unemployed: businesses shut doors to trans workers'When employers aren't supporting [trans people], they're compromising the health of those people'CBC News
By David Burke,
Posted: Aug 30, 2016

'I've never had to look for a job'
"I've noticed that I haven't made it through first-round phone interviews, which is a new experience in my career. You're talking to someone, I've never had to look for a job. Before I transitioned I never even had a resume, it was just I was really good at what I did, people knew that and I got work, that's it, now I can't. It's just a different ball game."

Leard isn't alone, every month the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project hears from people who have either been fired after starting their transition, or simply weren't hired after applying for a job.

"I hear routinely from folks who said I was going to transition and I disclosed that to my employer and they fired me a week later, that's really, really common," said Áine Morse, co-chair of the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project.
Just like with age discrimination or sex discrimination the companies know all the right words to say.

We did fire/not hire you because    “Fill in the blank”     we fired/didn’t hire you because “you were making too much money” or “we are downsizing” or “over/under qualified” but for us it is all the same… no job.
Inclusive business
There are businesses in Halifax that are working to become more inclusive; Pavia Gallery, espresso bar and cafe is leading that change. It already has trans inclusive policies in its employees handbook.
But no matter what the employee handbooks says it all boils down to the person who is doing the hiring and their biases.

When someone tells me that they are looking for a job and are planning on transitioning I tell them if at all possible wait to transition until they are off the probationary employment period and when you had a performance review. That way the company cannot say you didn't perform up to expectations.

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