Monday, July 25, 2016

More Differences

If you need another example of the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats just look at their delegates and speakers.
There Are More Than Two Dozen Transgender Delegates At The Democratic Convention
"It is a very diverse group reflecting the overall demographics in the Democratic Party’s umbrella," says superdelegate Babs Siperstein.
Logo NewNextNow
By Dan Avery
July 25, 2016

Comparing the diversity at the Republican National Convention to this week’s Democratic Convention almost isn’t fair. While the GOP had white people holding signs that read (incorrectly) “Hispanics Para Trump,” the DNC’s delegates represent a wide swath of American.

That includes diverse gender identities, too: For the first time, a trans person will speak at a major American political convention.

Sarah McBride, press secretary for the HRC Foundation, will address the convention on Thursday, the final day of the event. But she’s far from the only trans person heading to Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center.

Logo political correspondent Raymond Braun reports there are at least 27 trans delegates at this year’s convention.
One party is the party of inclusion and one party is of the party of exclusion.

This morning as the executive director of the CT TransAdvocacy Coalition I am at a meeting with another non-profit ED to see how we can work together. On their website they say that,
We offer support, education, and advocacy to people living with mental illnesses, their family members, friends, professionals and the public at large.
Hopefully we will find some common ground to work together to promote our non-profits.

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