Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Making A Difference.

Yesterday went down on the positive column.

I received my workshop evaluations for the NASW conference at the beginning of the month. One wrote,
"You are a very powerful speaker! I wanted to learn more and you helped me with my learning journey. I will continue to learn.
And another wrote,
Coming from someone who has little knowledge of the trans culture you provided and excellent overview, thank you. I also found out that I knew more than I thought.
Also the LGBT Elder committee that I am on received an email from a person who attended a SAGE training that we organized,
"Yesterday I met my first transgender person in the line of work (that I can recall in 29 years). Both the care manager and myself felt prepared to advocate and were comfortable with the issues that presented themselves."
I do four or five trainings a month, the next one is at a hospital next week, and I am also doing training with a number of non-profits and HUD for homeless shelters. We are making a difference; shelters are start getting the word that they have to go by the person’s gender identity and not what is between their legs. There is pushback, but they are beginning to see that they are in the minority.

Not everyone is cut out to be an advocate for a number of reasons, but all make a difference just by being ourselves.

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