Sunday, March 08, 2015

Never Say Die

The conservatives will never give up trying to keep us from our human rights. Here in Connecticut the Republicans tried to take away our insurance coverage. In Florida, they are trying to override municipalities’ nondiscrimination ordinances and in Texas they are doing the same thing.

The Huffington Post Gay Voices has an article about Christian conservatives saying they will continue the fight against equal rights,
Founding Mother Of The Conservative Movement: LGBT Rights Not InevitableBy Michelangelo Signorile
Posted: 03/02/2015

Amid battles that have erupted over states banning local anti-discrimination ordinances and moving forward on “religious liberties” laws targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people -- seemingly catching some LGBT activists off-guard -- Phyllis Schlafly has a message for the LGBT community: Don't believe for a minute that the Supreme Court’s decision in June on marriage equality, no matter how positive, will diminish the crusade against LGBT equality. In fact, she says, it will only serve to reinvigorate the anti-gay movement.

The Eagle Forum founder and leader, often referred to as the founding mother of the Christian conservative movement, speaks from experience. As an anti-feminist crusader, she is often credited with almost single-handedly stopping the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which initially had enormous momentum in the states in the '70s, all but guaranteeing full equality for women in the Constitution. Opponents, however, used the backlash among conservatives to the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, especially in southern states, to successfully kill the ERA dead in its tracks by the early '80s. The backlash has now been used to not only restrict abortion rights but to prevent laws to end income disparity and to positively affect many other issues for women.
"I don’t think that’s so,” Schlafly continued with a smile, rejecting the “inevitability” argument. “I’m extremely disappointed that the Republican Party, the conservative movement, even the Democratic Party and the churches, have been saying, ‘Well soon the court will decide, and that will be it.’ Well, a lot of people thought that about Roe v. Wade, and we’ve seen the whole abortion movement turned around in the last ten years.”
We must always be vigilant to new bills that might take away our hard won gains. Whether it is the so called “Religious Freedom” bills, bill to prohibit cities from pass their own nondiscrimination ordinances or whatever else they dream up to take away our human rights. 

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