Sunday, October 06, 2013

Are We A Mistake?

I came across this article about did God make a mistake with trans-people?

In an article in the Huffington Post, “Can God Make People Who Don't Fit Into Our Boxes? The Transgender Question” Rev. Morgan Guyton questions whether God created trans-people, he questions the existence of only male and female,
What goes on inside the bodies and minds of transgender people is a mystery whose opaqueness we simply have to accept. To presume dismissively that they are fallen creation or self-indulgent romantic libertines has nothing to do with one's fidelity to God's truth (which remains beyond our grasp on this matter) and everything to do with the need to arrogate to ourselves a divine omniscience that allows nothing in life to fall outside the dominion of our knowledge.

I give God permission to create people who don't fit into my boxes. And I hope that one day there won't be any more hype about it, either from the liberals who want something to show the world that they're "open-minded" about or from the conservatives who want something to supposedly "stand up for God's truth" about. I just hope that in the future, families of people like Heath and Jazz will be able to quietly make the decisions that need to be made so that they can live in their bodies the way that the vast majority of us are privileged to live.
I have always thought that God made me transgender for a purpose and I believe that it is to teach acceptance by being just who I am. In living my life other people are judged by their actions.


  1. "I give God permission to create people who don't fit into my boxes."

    Too bad Blogger doesn't have a "like" button. I would be clicking it repeatedly. Barring that, I would like to crosslink this post to my FB page., of course with attribution.



  2. Yes, by all means cross post it. That's what the buttons are for at the bottom of the post.
