Saturday, May 04, 2013

Saturday Six #473

Patrick’s Place Saturday Six #473

1. If you had to get up in front of a room of strangers, which of these would you be LEAST comfortable admitting: your true age, your true weight or your true income?
My income, I have already done the other two.

2. Which of those three would you be MOST comfortable admitting to the same crowd?
My age, like I said when I have given presentations sometimes I tell my age.

3. If you knew when your last meal was going to happen, what would you like to have on the menu?
That is easy (as long as I don’t have to worry about my blood glucose), anyone who read my blog regularly will know my answer; New England Clam Chowder, Steamers, Lobsters with a bottle of Samuel Adams to wash it down and for desert cheesecake.

4. Who are you most concerned about disappointing?
My brother.

5. What’s the toughest job you’ve ever had?
When I had to stand up before seven angry customers to tell them why a 2 million dollar system that we installed didn’t work.

6. What event scared you more than anything else you’ve experienced?
When I saw the other car heading right towards me and the laws of physics we will meet right there…

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