Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins
1. Oh, my _I should have put more money in the parking meter_.
2. _I better start my Christmas shopping_ sooner, rather than later!
3. Buy one, _get one free. I hate it because it means that I get one that I don’t want, why don’t they just give 50%_. Do you know how much cantaloupe I have to eat if I get one free?
4. _Spring will be here in three months_ positively!
5. Soon, I'm _going to start dieting_.
6. _Last night was there any_ shooting stars?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _doing some shopping_, tomorrow my plans include _reading_ and Sunday, I want to _watch the yucky weather from the warmth by the fire_!


  1. My grocery store lets you get one at half off instead of having to buy two. It might be worth asking. I did because I had the same complaint. Hope you have a great weekend, Diana!!

  2. I used to HATE the feeling of running out of time at the meter!!!

  3. Your #2 made me smile---CAN NOT believe that I haven't begun shopping yet!!
