Saturday, August 06, 2011

Saturday Six – Episode 382

Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 382

1. How many social media networks do you belong to at the moment?
Just Facebook, I don’t count blogspot as a social media network

2. How many social media networks have you joined, then stopped using because you didn’t care for their setup or operation?
Just one, Linkin

3. Which social media network do you use the most?

4. Take the quiz: Are You Facebook, MySpace or Twitter?

You Are Facebook

You are social, outgoing, and excited to connect to your friends.
You are interested in your friends' lives, and you enjoy adding your opinion to the mix.

While you enjoy sharing online, you don't want everyone to know your business.
You value your privacy. Your life is an open book to those you know but not to strangers.

5. How do you feel about geotagging networks like FourSquare, where users can post their current locations: cool idea or security risk?
Definitely a security risk. That is what my Thursday blog entry is going to be about, security.

6. If you know a company that you do a lot of business with is on a social network that you belong to, are you more likely to “friend” or “like” them?
No, I would want to keep work and the rest of my life separate. Neither the two shall meet. I’m not saying that when I was working that I didn’t have friends that I hung out with after work, but I would never invite people from work whom I had a casual business acquaintance with become frineds on Facebook.

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