Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday’s Fill-ins #159

Janet’s Friday’s Fill-ins #159-1/15/10


1. The lesson I learned yesterday was _to leave forty minutes early for a 5:30 meeting in Hartford because of traffic_.

2. _Our cottage is_ where friends and family meet.

3. All these years _I still hate having a cold_.

4. _I was 15 minutes late to the meeting_ when I arrived.

5. The truth is _that I’m looking forward to classes beginning next week_.

6. _Getting ready to stick my hand out to pay the toll, when the other car struck my car_ is what I remember most from that day. ( Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma’am)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to the coffee shop to hear some folk music_, tomorrow my plans include _not doing much_ and Sunday, I want have to _attend a Board meeting_.

Even though the number of spam has increased, I decided to remove the comment moderating because it was cutting into the number of comments that I am receiving.


  1. I hate spam too...have a good weekend!

  2. Traffic... oy.

    Hope you have a great final week of vacation.
