Friday, January 08, 2010

Friday Fill-ins #158

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #158


1. There are places _that I would like to visit and there are places that I never wanted to visit_.

2. _I wish the ol’ sun would_ blow those clouds away.

3. Standing in the _doorway I yelled, is anyone home_?

4. _I can wait to have my lobster dinner,_ oh boy.

5. He went out tiger hunting _and came back with a cute little orphaned tiger cub_.

6. _I have a hard time to keep_ my mind from wandering.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _maybe going out to the coffee shop to hear some folk music_, tomorrow my plans include _doing nothing_ and Sunday, I want to _visit some friends_!


  1. I love to wander...and wonder!

  2. I'm with you on #6 - have a great weekend!

    Here are my fill-ins

  3. heehee, is anyone home? cute.
    I've never tried Lobster, but the amount of times (and varieties) you've mentioned it almost has me convinced to try it
    Have a good time doing nothing, there's nothing like a little relaxation to help the days go by :oD

  4. School begins in two weeks and then I'll get no rest.

  5. Sounds like a great weekend!

  6. Oooh!! Lobster dinner!!! Enjoy it, and enjoy your weekend ;) Kathy

  7. we are having overcast skies and I am wishing the same with your #2. lobster dinner? wow! it's been ages since i've had that. have fun this weekend!! My fill-ins are here
