Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Fill-ins #143

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #143


1. One week ago _it felt like summer, now it feels like fall_.

2. _I feel so old when I say,_ when I was young.

3. Mama told me _to always wear clean underwear_.

4. _The Dean wants to see_ you and me.

5. Take your time _we are already late, so what differences does an extra hour make_.

6. _Say the secret word and you_ will pass!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to the coffee shop_, tomorrow my plans include _doing homework_ and Sunday, I want have to _do more homework_!


  1. My mom never told me to always wear clean underwear. Perhaps that is my problem in life. :)

    I would agree that it certainly feels like fall; I live in Iowa, and here it has suddenly turned chillier and rainy. The leaves are falling off the trees, and it is quite different from the 80 degree weather of last week.

    Enjoy your weekend of homework...I shall be doing the same thing.

  2. lol i'm with you on #2!

  3. Good luck with all the homework!
