Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fill-in Friday #95

Janet’s Fill-in Friday #95

1. Right now, I'm feeling _tired, it has been a long day driving up to Cape Cod_.
2. _P’town_ is where I want to be.
3. How does one _stay on a diet when traveling_?
4. _My friends_ keeps me on track.
5. Please don't _eat the Daisy’s_.
6. _Lobster Newberg_ fills me with joy. (Its what I had for dinner at the “Lobster Pot”)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _crashing after a long day_, tomorrow my plans include _giving a workshop and attending the Awards Banquet at night_ and Sunday, I want to _drive home and rest_!


  1. oh, i'm so jealous! I wish I was in P-Town!

    Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend :-)

  2. Enjoyed reading.

  3. TGIF! Enjoy your weekend!

    Here's my fill-ins. Thanks!

  4. Yay!!! I was beginning to think I took a wrong meme turn and ended up in the Christian Coalition (Not intending any offense to Christians in general) Great FF! Well met! Stop by sometime, please!
    word verification: antlizi

    Hmmm... everyone needs an "aunt Lizzi" :-)

  5. i hope your weekend plans push through.
    mine is here. hope you can drop by. have a great weekend!

  6. I can't seem to stay on a diet anytime! heehee
    happy friday!

  7. Enjoy your awards banquet!

    I don't think it's possible to stay on a diet while traveling so just enjoy. :)

  8. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and your conference goes well!
