Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday Fill-In #65

Janet’s Friday Fill-In #65

1. Some relationships are meant to _be_.
2. _I can’t remember_ is the last concert I saw; it was _twenty-five – thirty years ago_.
3. Spring should be _just around the corner _.
4. Oh no! I forgot _to print the awards_!
5. I've recently started _frustrated in not being able to lose weight_.
6. _The songs of the birds on a spring morning_ never fails to make me smile.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going out tonight to a coffeeshop to hear a folk singer_, tomorrow my plans include _going to our annual banquet_ and Sunday, I want to _go to my nephew birthday party_!


  1. your answer to #1 lovely & simply put and I really like your response to #6. Have a great weekend. ~M~

  2. Have a wonderful weekend! Your plans sound great.

  3. I am SO with you on #5.
    Thanks for playing :-)
