Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday Madness

From Monday Madness blog
October 30

1. Small town or big city?
I like both, I like to comfort of a small town, however I don’t like it lack of diversity. I like a city for all its variety; I like the theaters, the restaurants, the museums, the art galleries and the fact you can be yourself, but I don’t like the crime.

2. Do you have a favorite childhood memory, and if so, would you share it?
Summers at Lake Winnisquam in New Hampshire and catching fireflies. Winters sliding in our backyard.

3. How do you calm down when something has really upset and/or angered you? Do you swallow it? Call a friend and rant? Go in the bathroom and cry? Punch a wall? Walk around muttering to yourself, complete with scary hand gestures?
It depends, if it is my boss that gets me upset, I swallow it. If a mutual friends gets me mad I might a call a friend. I have been know to run to the bathroom and have a good cry. Or I might walk around muttering at times, especially if no one is around to hear me.

4. What attracts [sic] you to memes?
Reading other people answers and comparing them to mine. Beside it’s cheaper than seeing a psychologist.

5. How reliant are you on computers to get through your day?
Very, at work I am very depended on the computer and at home I use it to keep in touch with friends and also people who are requesting help from the support groups. I also use it for my process my photographs.

6. In a crisis, are you calm or do you panic?
I like to think that I am calm, cool and collective in a crisis, but I think I tend to panic somewhat and feel helpless.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diana. Thanks for sharing your nice childhood memories. I also have fond memories of catching fireflies. My Dad would catch some for us and put it inside a bottle. My brother and I were so fascinated with fireflies. My Dad would tell us to let go of the fireflies afterwards and we did. Sadly, I don't see many fireflies around anymore.

    Take care,
