Friday, June 30, 2006

Who says you can't go home...

I just got back from a party of old high school friends, some I meet once or twice a year and others I haven’t seen in twenty years or more. It was a mixed group, some middle class suburban friends others were biker type; balding with their hair pulled back into a ponytail with gray beards, leathers and riding Harley’s. The party was for a friend who came back from Texas for the week, he drove up in three days on a Harley. We all use to hang out together through high school, get stoned, do drugs together, race cars and other stupid things teenager do. We are the one’s who survived.
As I sat there thinking what would of have happened if I showed up as Diana? Could I have done it? What would they have done? Would they accept me as Diana? Woudl they just sat there laughing?
Of the fun of being Trans!

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