Wednesday, May 31, 2006

LGBT Family Day

We drag our families through a lot; some families shatter under the weight, some wobble at first and then pull together. What we are asking is for them to enter our closets with us, to share a part of us, to share our world. “A mixed up, shook up world, where boys will be girls and girls will be boys” and it is hard for them as it is hard for us. It is a test of love. What is amazing is that love can over come all of these huddles and survive and grow stronger.
Right now my family is going through a wobbly period but I know we will get over this bump in the road because my love for them is strong and I believe their love for me is strong. My first inclination was to run, but I over came that impulse because of my love for my brother. If anything else, I know that this will make our bond stronger.
But let us not forget that there are many families out there that are torn apart because their son or daughter or spouse is gay or lesbian or transgender or bi and they cannot or do not know how to deal with it. Their love is not strong enough. I am sure we all know someone whose family has broken off contact with them, maybe today we can give them a phone call and talk to them for awhile. I know I will.

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