Tuesday, May 30, 2006


From Belicove.Com

Q1 - Automobiles: A gallon of gasoline weighs just over 6 pounds. When burned, the carbon in it combines with oxygen from the air to produce nearly 20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2). With that in mind, and with the price of gasoline continually on the rise, how likely is it that the next car you buy will be a hybrid?

I already own one, a Prius and I bought it back in 2003

Q2- Television: How many channels are on your television, and approximately how many of them do you watch on a somewhat regular basis?

Around 70 channels and I probably watch maybe 6. if I had my way I would get rid of all the sports channels.

Q3- How Are They Doing: Do you think pharmaceutical and drug companies generally do a good or bad job of serving their consumers?

They are very good at creating a market for there product and a bad job of serving their consumers.

Q4- Right Now: What is the closest object to your left hand?

My water bottle, which happens to be empty, so it is off to the refrigerator to refill it.

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