Monday, April 24, 2006

III.) Less We Forget

Tomorrow is Holocaust Remembrance Day, April 25, it the day that Jews mark to remember the Holocaust. It is to remember, “......The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed "inferior," were "life unworthy of life." During the era of the Holocaust, the Nazis also targeted other groups because of their perceived "racial inferiority": Roma (Gypsies), the handicapped, and some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, and others). Other groups were persecuted on political and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals”

When we think of the Holocaust we only think of Germany from 1939 to 1945, but that wasn’t the first genocide in recent times. In 1915 the Armenians were virtually wiped out by the Turks. In the 1970’s there was killing fields of Cambodia . More recently Sudan, Uganda, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Bosnia, Brazil, Paraguay and on and on. It is a never ending list.

So tomorrow, stop and pause and think and remember.

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